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You are here: Home / Past Courses / Spring 2011 - ECPE 293B / Projects / Project - Final Report and Presentation

Project - Final Report and Presentation

Final Report

The final report will be a single unified document describing all components of your router. The report should include the following sections, although you may reorder the design document for readability if desired:

  1. Introduction
  2. Software Design
  3. Hardware Design
  4. Integration
    1. How are the tasks divided between hardware and software?
    2. How is the interface(s) structured between hardware and software?
    3. What are the issues involved in managing the hardware? (How do you update the routing table/ARP table/etc? How do you deal with different sized and formatted structures in hardware and software? Etc...)
    4. Did you need to modify your hardware and/or software for the integration? How?
    5. Did you need to make changes to your user interface to access the hardware?
    6. What issues did you not anticipate in integrating the hardware and software?
  5. Testing
    1. How did you test software?
    2. How did you test hardware?
    3. How did you test your integrated router?
  6. Conclusion
    1. Briefly recap the major elements of your design
    2. What are the major things you learned from this project?
    3. What were you not able to get working in your integrated router?

Many sections of the final report have already been written for previous projects. Thus, you should only need to update those documents as needed and merge them into a single coherent and easy-to-read document.

Please Note: When grading the final report, we will have your previous reports in-hand to compare against. You should take into account all suggestions for improvement that we offered when grading the previous written reports.


Project Presentation

Each group is required to give a project presentation to the class. The talk should last no more than 20 minutes, with an extra 5 minutes for questions from the class. You are not expected to present your entire router design, but rather should focus on a few key elements.

  1. Project overview (approx. 3 minutes)
  2. Software design
    1. Focus on the most complex or interesting design issues in your software router
  3. Hardware design
    1. Focus on the most complex or interesting design issues in your hardware router
  4. Integration
    1. Focus on the challenges of integrating hardware and software
  5. Conclusions (approx. 3 minutes)
    1. What did you learn from this project?

The project overview and conclusion sections should be suitably general for any CompSci/ECPE major. The middle sections should target your classmates and instructors, who are fully aware of the IP Router project.