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You are here: Home / Past Courses / Spring 2014 - ECPE 293A / Paper Presentations / Selecting a Paper

Selecting a Paper

2013 Papers (Already Selected)


Highlighted Papers

The general rule of thumb is that papers discussed in the class should be published after 2010.  Here is a list of "selected papers" that, although they may be a few years older than our typical 2010+ standard, provide a strong introduction to cloud computing and related datacenter/architecture topics. 











Conference / Workshops on Cloud Computing Topics

You may also select papers from the following list of "approved" conferences and workshops, provided that the paper was published after 2010.  Want to add additional conferences to this list? Email Dr. Shafer for approval.


You can search for papers in Google Scholar, the ACM Digital Library (on campus only!), or IEEE Explore (on campus only!).