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Paper Presentations

Each student will lead 1 discussion on a selected research paper on Cloud Computing (or related topic) during the semester.


For the days that you are not presenting a paper (i.e. most days), you have a reduced but still important role: reading the paper in advance and preparing for the class discussion.


Schedule of Papers

NumberNamePaper Title
0 Jeff Shafer "Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing"
(Note: No summary document is needed for this introductory paper)
1 Jeff Shafer MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
2 Richard Snider "Finding a needle in Haystack: Facebook’s photo storage" by Doug Beaver et. al. (OSDI 2010)
3 Juan Vega "Windows Azure Storage: A Highly Available Cloud Storage Service with Strong Consistency" by Brad Calder et. al. (SOSP 2011)
4 Xin Feng "Spanner: Google's Globally-Distributed Database" by J. Corbett et. al. (OSDI 2012)
5 Timothy Lindberg "Xen and the Art of Virtualization" by P. Barham et. al. (SOSP 2003)
6 Peter Hodson "The evolution of an x86 virtual machine monitor" by O. Agesen et. al. (ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 2010)
(Related: "Heed the Rise of the Virtual Machines" - Keynote presentation, PLDI 2012) 
7 John McGill  "Virtualizing I/O Devices on VMWare Workstation's Hosted Virtual Machine Monitor" by J. Sugerman et. al. (Usenix 2001)
8 Juan Mendez "SnowFlock: Rapid Virtual Machine Cloning for Cloud Computing" by H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla et al. (EuroSys 2009)
9 Eddie Escamilla "Cross-VM Side Channels and Their Use to Extract Private Keys", Y. Zhang et. al., CCS 2012
10 Jason O'Reilly "An Architecture for Modular Data Centers" by James Hamilton (CIDR 2007)
11 Jennifer Johnson "It’s Not Easy Being Green" by P. Gao et. al. (SIGCOMM 2012)
12 Angela Cheng "Power Routing: Dynamic Power Provisioning in the Data Center" by Steven Pelley et. al. (ASPLOS 2010)
13 Michael Morelli "Hey, You, Get Off of My Cloud: Exploring Information Leakage in Third-Party Compute Clouds" by Thomas Ristenpart et. al. (CCS 2009)
14 Alejandro Dominguez "CloudAV: N-Version Antivirus in the Network Cloud" by Oberheide et al. (USENIX Security 2008)
15 Scott Snow "A New Form of DOS Attack in a Cloud and Its Avoidance Mechanism" by Huan Liu (CCSW 2010)
16 Evan Glick "Chatty Tenants and the Cloud Network Sharing Problem" by H. Ballani et. al. (NSDI 2013)
17 Josh Butler "Camdoop: Exploiting In-network Aggregation for Big Data Applications" by P. Costa et. al. (NSDI 2012)