Setup PacificNet Cisco VPN in Ubuntu (10.04)
Get the .pcf file and initial setup
cd ~
mkdir pacificnet-vpn
Download from the email that OIT sent you. Extract the files to ~/pacificnet-vpn/vpn-students (or a location of your choice).
unzip -d ~/pacificnet-vpn/vpn-students ~/Downloads/
(Note: downloaded to my default download directory. The -d flag means different directory.)
Copy the .pcf file to ~/pacificnet-vpn
cp ~/pacificnet-vpn/vpn-students/vpn-students.pcf ~/pacificnet-vpn
Finally, create and change to vpnclient directory for the next couple of steps
mkdir vpnclient
cd vpnclient
Setup Decoding Binary `cisco-decrypt'
This binary decodes the group password from your .pcf file. Download the source file and setup the binary.
(If the above address does not exist, Google `cisco-decrypt.c' and you should find a suitable download.)
Install compiler dependency for decryption (if doesn't already exist). Compile and create the cisco-decrypt binary. Allow it to be executed. Copy it to global execution directory.
sudo apt-get install libgcrypt11-dev
gcc -Wall -o cisco-decrypt cisco-decrypt.c $(libgcrypt-config --libs --cflags)
chmod +x cisco-decrypt
sudo cp cisco-decrypt /usr/bin
Setup Decoding Script `pcf2vpnc'
A Perl script called pcf2vpnc will use cisco-decrypt. The remainder of the script converts the .pcf to a .conf to be used by vpnc. Download the and setup the script.
chmod +x pcf2vpnc
sudo cp pcf2vpnc /usr/bin
Finish setup, Install vpnc and Connect
Finally, use pcf2vpnc to convert vpn-students.pcf to vpn-students.conf. Then copy the .conf file to /etc/vpnc/.
cd ~/pacificnet-vpn
pcf2vpnc vpn-students.pcf > vpn-students.conf
sudo cp vpn-students.conf /etc/vpnc
Note: if you get the message `decoding input: No such file or directory', do not worry. Do this simple sanity check and you should see output like the following.
cat ~/pacificnet-vpn/vpn-students.conf
## generated by pcf2vpncIPSec ID vpn-studentsIPSec gateway vpn.pacific.eduIPSec secret <shared 'secret' key>
IKE Authmode psk
## To add your username and password,## use the following lines:# Xauth username <your username># Xauth password <your password>
Install vpnc and connect.
sudo apt-get install vpnc resolvconf
sudo vpnc vpn-students
You will be prompted for your PacificNet login username and password.
To disconnect.
sudo vpnc-disconnect