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Register Map

This page specifies the required software-accessible hardware control registers and the control interface.

Each project has an XML configuration file that specifies the modules that it uses, and each module has a configuration file that specifies the registers that it provides. The register system (specifically, the script) reads a project's configuration file to identify the modules (and number of instances of each module), reads the individual module configuration files, allocates memory in the register address space to each module instance and its registers, and finally outputs Verilog, C, and Perl files with the register allocation.

The automatically-generated outputs files include:

  • Verilog (Hardware): $NF_DESIGN_DIR/include/registers.v
  • C (Software): $NF_DESIGN_DIR/lib/C/reg_defines_<project-name>.h
  • Perl (software): $NF_DESIGN_DIR/lib/Perl5/reg_defines_<project-name>.pm

Note: These files will not exist until after you build or compile your hardware project. (The generator script is invoked automatically as part of the build process).

For further information on the format of the XML files that specify register configuration, refer to the following documents at the NetFPGA project site:

For information on how the register chain works, view the Register Interface page.

As an example on how to instantiate registers in a NetFPGA-compliant format,the official XML files for both the switch and router projects have been posted below.  You should incorporate these elements into your own design. To do so, download the desired XML file and save it to the include/ directory in your project. Then, edit the include/project.xml file inside your current project.  Locate the block labeled <nf:group name="udp">, and then add a new entry to that block corresponding to the correct XML file.

XML FileLine to Include File
ethernet_switch.xml <nf:instance name="ethernet_switch" />
ip_router.xml <nf:instance name="ip_router" />

Note: If you have problems incorporating the XML files, it might be helpful to ensure that your project name is consistent with the XML file name, i.e. "ethernet_switch" and "ip_router"



Only a subset of the full registers in the NetFPGA platform are described here. For the full list of all possible registers in your current project, along with their specific memory addresses and/or bit positions, refer to the definition files listed above.


MAC Queue Registers

These are registers for the 4 MAC Rx and 4 MAC Tx queues. An X in the register name can be a value between 0 and 3.

These registers are present in the initial NIC design

Register nameRegister description
MAC_GRP_X_CONTROL_REG Contains bits that can be used to change the state of the MAC queues. See MAC Control Bits.
MAC_GRP_X_RX_QUEUE_NUM_PKTS_IN_QUEUE_REG Number of packets in the RX queue
MAC_GRP_X_RX_QUEUE_NUM_PKTS_STORED_REG Number of RX packets stored
Number of RX packets dropped because the queue was full
MAC_GRP_X_RX_QUEUE_NUM_PKTS_DROPPED_BAD_REG Number of RX packets dropped because the packet was bad
MAC_GRP_X_RX_QUEUE_NUM_PKTS_DEQUEUED_REG Number of packets dequeud from the RX queue
MAC_GRP_X_RX_QUEUE_NUM_WORDS_PUSHED_REG Number of 64-bit words pushed out of the RX queue into the user data path
MAC_GRP_X_RX_QUEUE_NUM_BYTES_PUSHED_REG Number of bytes pushed out of the RX queue into the user data path
MAC_GRP_X_TX_QUEUE_NUM_PKTS_IN_QUEUE_REG Gives the number of packets that are currently waiting in the TX queue to be sent out to the Ethernet.
MAC_GRP_X_TX_QUEUE_NUM_PKTS_ENQUEUED_REG Gives the number of packets that have ever went into the TX queue to be sent out to the Ethernet.
MAC_GRP_X_TX_QUEUE_NUM_PKTS_SENT_REG Gives the number of packets that have been sent out to the Ethernet.
MAC_GRP_X_TX_QUEUE_NUM_WORDS_PUSHED_REG Gives the number of 64-bit words sent out to the Ethernet.
MAC_GRP_X_TX_QUEUE_NUM_BYTES_PUSHED_REG Gives the number of bytes that have been sent out of the TX queue to the Ethernet.

Input Arbiter Registers

Module description: Round-robin input arbiter

The registers of the input arbiter can be very useful for debugging packet flow through the system.

These registers are present in the initial NIC design

Register nameRegister description
IN_ARB_NUM_PKTS_SENT_REG Number of packets that have been serviced by the input arbiter
IN_ARB_LAST_PKT_WORD_0_LO_REG Least significant 32 bits of the first 64-bit word of the last packet that passed through the input arbiter.
IN_ARB_LAST_PKT_WORD_0_HI_REG Most significant 32 bits of the first 64-bit word of the last packet that passed through the input arbiter.
IN_ARB_LAST_PKT_CTRL_0_REG First 8-bit control word of the last packet that passed through the input arbiter.
IN_ARB_LAST_PKT_WORD_1_LO_REG Least significant 32 bits of the second 64-bit word of the last packet that has passed through the input arbiter.
IN_ARB_LAST_PKT_WORD_1_HI_REG Most significant 32 bits of the second 64-bit word of the last packet that has passed through the input arbiter.
IN_ARB_LAST_PKT_CTRL_1_REG Second 8-bit ctrl word of the last packet that has passed through the input arbiter.
IN_ARB_STATE_REG Current state of the input arbiter in the state machine.


Output Port Lookup Registers (for Ethernet switch)

These registers (except for the number of hits/misses) are accessed in the same way a table is accessed. (See Reading/Writing Tables)

Tip: To incorporate these registers into your Ethernet Switch project, you will need to incorporate the following XML code into your project: learning_cam_switch.xml

These registers need to be added in the Ethernet Switch project.

Register name
**These registers are a table**
Register description

Bit 31: 0 = Entry can be updated by the learning mechanism in the switch / 1=Switch will not update this entry.

Bits 30-16: One-hot-encoded ports corresponding to the output ports of a packet with the destination MAC address specified in the entry

Bits 15-0: 16 most significant bits of the MAC.

SWITCH_OP_LUT_MAC_LO_REG Least significant 32 bits of the MAC address
SWITCH_OP_LUT_MAC_LUT_RD_ADDR_REG Register to write the index of the entry to be read. A write here will update the data registers with the entry's values
SWITCH_OP_LUT_MAC_LUT_WR_ADDR_REG A write into the address will move the data in the data registers to the MAC table entry specified by the write.
SWITCH_OP_LUT_NUM_HITS_REG Number of hits when looking up destination addresses in the MAC table
SWITCH_OP_LUT_NUM_MISSES_REG Number of misses when looking up destination addresses in the MAC table


Output Port Lookup Registers (for IP Router)

These define registers for accessing the hardware ARP cache, the Routing Table, setting IP and MAC addresses, statistics, and more. See Tables in the Router for more details.

For sections marked as a Table, see the Reading/Writing Tables section for more details.

Tip: To incorporate these registers into your IP Router project, you will need to incorporate the following XML code into your project: cam_router.xml

These registers need to be added in the Ethernet Router project.

Register nameRegister description
ROUTER_OP_LUT_ROUTE_TABLE_DEPTH This is not a register but a constant specifying the size of the routing table.
ROUTER_OP_LUT_ARP_TABLE_DEPTH This is not a register but a constant specifying the size of the ARP cache.
ROUTER_OP_LUT_DST_IP_FILTER_TABLE_DEPTH This is not a register but a constant specifying the size of the IP destination filter table.
Router ARP Cache Registers
**These registers are a table**
ROUTER_OP_LUT_ARP_TABLE_ENTRY_MAC_HI_REG High 16 bits of the next hop MAC address in the ARP table
ROUTER_OP_LUT_ARP_TABLE_ENTRY_MAC_LO_REG Low 32 bits of the next hop MAC address in the ARP table
ROUTER_OP_LUT_ARP_TABLE_ENTRY_NEXT_HOP_IP_REG Next hop's IP address (set to 0 to match the destination address)
ROUTER_OP_LUT_ARP_TABLE_RD_ADDR_REG Write the index of the entry to read from in the ARP table
ROUTER_OP_LUT_ARP_TABLE_WR_ADDR_REG Write the index of the entry to write to in the ARP table
Routing Table Registers
**These registers are a table**
ROUTER_OP_LUT_ROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY_IP_REG Subnet IP address to match in the Routing table
ROUTER_OP_LUT_ROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY_MASK_REG Subnet Mask in the router table
ROUTER_OP_LUT_ROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY_OUTPUT_PORT_REG One-hot-encoded output port in the routing table.
ROUTER_OP_LUT_ROUTE_TABLE_RD_ADDR_REG Write the index of the entry to read from in the Routing table
ROUTER_OP_LUT_ROUTE_TABLE_WR_ADDR_REG Write the index of the entry to write to in the Routing table
Router IP Destination Filter Table
**These registers are a table**
ROUTER_OP_LUT_DST_IP_FILTER_TABLE_ENTRY_IP_REG Destination IP address to filter out and send to the CPU in the Destination IP Filter table
ROUTER_OP_LUT_DST_IP_FILTER_TABLE_RD_ADDR_REG Index for reading into the destination IP filter table
ROUTER_OP_LUT_DST_IP_FILTER_TABLE_WR_ADDR_REG Index for writing into the destination IP filter table
Router MAC Addresses
ROUTER_OP_LUT_MAC_0_HI_REG High 16 bits of port 0's MAC address (upper 16 bits of this field are ignored)
ROUTER_OP_LUT_MAC_0_LO_REG Low 32 bits of port 0's MAC address
ROUTER_OP_LUT_MAC_1_HI_REG High 16 bits of port 1's MAC address (upper 16 bits of this field are ignored)
ROUTER_OP_LUT_MAC_1_LO_REG Low 32 bits of port 1's MAC address
ROUTER_OP_LUT_MAC_2_HI_REG High 16 bits of port 2's MAC address (upper 16 bits of this field are ignored)
ROUTER_OP_LUT_MAC_2_LO_REG Low 32 bits of port 2's MAC address
ROUTER_OP_LUT_MAC_3_HI_REG High 16 bits of port 3's MAC address (upper 16 bits of this field are ignored)
ROUTER_OP_LUT_MAC_3_LO_REG Low 32 bits of port 3's MAC address
Router Statistics
ROUTER_OP_LUT_ARP_NUM_MISSES_REG Total number of misses in the ARP table
ROUTER_OP_LUT_LPM_NUM_MISSES_REG Total number of misses in the LPM (routing) table
ROUTER_OP_LUT_NUM_CPU_PKTS_SENT_REG Total number of packets sent from the CPU
ROUTER_OP_LUT_NUM_BAD_OPTS_VER_REG Total number of pkts sent to the CPU because they have IP options or the IP version is not 4
ROUTER_OP_LUT_NUM_BAD_CHKSUMS_REG Total number of packets dropped because of a checksum failure
ROUTER_OP_LUT_NUM_BAD_TTLS_REG Total number of packets sent to the CPU because the IP TTL field is 0 or 1
ROUTER_OP_LUT_NUM_NON_IP_RCVD_REG Total number of non-IP packets received (which includes ARP)
ROUTER_OP_LUT_NUM_PKTS_FORWARDED_REG Total number of packets that have been forwarded by the hardware
ROUTER_OP_LUT_NUM_WRONG_DEST_REG Total number of packets dropped because the destination MAC address was neither a broadcast nor the port's address
ROUTER_OP_LUT_NUM_FILTERED_PKTS_REG Total number of packets sent to the CPU because the destination IP matched an IP in the Destination IP filter table


Output Queues Registers

Module description: SRAM-based output queue using round-robin removal.

For the output queue register names, X can be a number between 0 and 7, representing the 4 MAC and 4 CPU output queues.

These registers are present in the initial NIC design

Register nameRegister description
OQ_QUEUE_X_CTRL_REG Control register for the output queue
OQ_QUEUE_X_NUM_PKT_BYTES_STORED_REG Total number of packet bytes stored in the queue
OQ_QUEUE_X_NUM_OVERHEAD_BYTES_STORED_REG Total number of bytes stored in the queue used by module headers
OQ_QUEUE_X_NUM_PKT_BYTES_REMOVED_REG Total number of bytes sent (i.e. removed) from the queue
OQ_QUEUE_X_NUM_OVERHEAD_BYTES_REMOVED_REG Total number of overhead (module header) bytes sent from the queue
OQ_QUEUE_X_NUM_PKTS_STORED_REG Total number of packets ever stored in the queue
OQ_QUEUE_X_NUM_PKTS_DROPPED_REG Total number of packets dropped from the queue because the queue was full on arrival
OQ_QUEUE_X_NUM_PKTS_REMOVED_REG Total number of packets sent from the queue
OQ_QUEUE_X_ADDR_LO_REG Gives/sets the low address of the circular buffer in memory
OQ_QUEUE_X_ADDR_HI_REG Gives/sets the high address of the circular buffer in memory. After changing this register or the corresponding OQ_QUEUE_X_ADDR_LO_REG you need to reinitialize the queue by using OQ_QUEUE_X_CTRL_REG.
OQ_QUEUE_X_RD_ADDR_REG The current read pointer
OQ_QUEUE_X_WR_ADDR_REG The current write pointer
OQ_QUEUE_X_NUM_PKTS_IN_Q_REG Number of packets currently in the queue waiting to be serviced
OQ_QUEUE_X_MAX_PKTS_IN_Q_REG Used to limit the number of packets that can be in the queue at any given time
OQ_QUEUE_X_NUM_WORDS_IN_Q_REG Number of 64-bit words currently waiting in the queue.
OQ_QUEUE_X_NUM_WORDS_LEFT_REG Number of 64-bit words of space left in the queue
OQ_QUEUE_X_FULL_THRESH_REG Used to limit the number of words used from the queue.


DMA Registers

These registers show the current status of the DMA engine.

These registers are present in the initial NIC design

Register nameRegister description
DMA_CTRL_REG DMA Interface Control
DMA_NUM_INGRESS_PKTS_REG Number of ingress packets (host -> NetFPGA)
DMA_NUM_INGRESS_BYTES_REG Number of ingress DMA bytes (host -> NetFPGA)
DMA_NUM_EGRESS_PKTS_REG Number of egress DMA packets (NetFPGA -> host)
DMA_NUM_EGRESS_BYTES_REG Number of egress DMA bytes (NetFPGA -> host)
DMA_NUM_TIMEOUTS_REG Number of DMA timeouts


Control Bits

MAC Control Bits

These are the bits in MAC_GRP_X_CONTROL_REG, and are used to change the state of the MAC queues.


BitBit description
MAC_GRP_TX_QUEUE_DISABLE_BIT_NUM Setting this bit to one disables sending any packets to the MAC.
MAC_GRP_RX_QUEUE_DISABLE_BIT_NUM Setting this bit to one disables sending any packets the user data path.
MAC_GRP_RESET_MAC_BIT_NUM Setting this bit to one resets the MAC queues and core.
MAC_GRP_MAC_DISABLE_TX_BIT_NUM Setting this bit to one prevents the MAC from sending any packets to the Ethernet.
MAC_GRP_MAC_DISABLE_RX_BIT_NUM Setting this bit to one prevents the MAC from receiving any packets.
MAC_GRP_MAC_DIS_JUMBO_TX_BIT_NUM Setting this bit to one causes the MAC to drop any Jumbo packets being sent.
MAC_GRP_MAC_DIS_JUMBO_RX_BIT_NUM Setting this bit to one causes the MAC to drop any Jumbo packets received.
MAC_GRP_MAC_DIS_CRC_CHECK Setting this bit to one causes the MAC to ignore checking the CRC on packets.
MAC_GRP_MAC_DIS_CRC_GEN Setting this bit to one disable CRC generation by the MAC.


Tables in the Router

There are three tables in the Router: The ARP table, the Routing table, and the Destination IP filter table.

  • The ARP table has the following data registers: ROUTER_OP_LUT_ARP_MAC_HI_REG, ROUTER_OP_LUT_ARP_MAC_LO_REG, and ROUTER_OP_LUT_ARP_NEXT_HOP_IP_REG. This table gives the MAC address of the next hop IP found in the Routing table.
  • The Routing table has the following data registers: ROUTER_OP_LUT_RT_IP_REG, ROUTER_OP_LUT_RT_MASK_REG, ROUTER_OP_LUT_RT_NEXT_HOP_IP_REG, and ROUTER_OP_LUT_RT_OUTPUT_PORT_REG. The routing table does a LPM search to find the next hop's IP address and the output port on which a packet should be forwarded.
    • WARNING: Entries should be ordered such that the longest subnet masks are at the lowest index into the table.
  • The Destination IP filter table has the following data register: ROUTER_OP_LUT_DST_IP_FILTER_IP_REG. This table should have the IP addresses of the router's interfaces in addition to any IP that the router should forward to the CPU such as the PWOSPF multicast IP address.


Reading/Writing Tables

To read a table:

  1. Write the index of the entry to read
  2. Read the data

To write a table:

  1. Write the data to be stored
  2. Write the index of the entry to be written

The data can span multiple registers. The registers used to read and write data are the same for reads and writes, but the registers used to write the indices for reads and writes are different.

For example: to write an entry into the switch MAC table: index 3, MAC address aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff -> MAC port 2

  1. Write ((0x10<<16) | 0xaabb) into SWITCH_OP_LUT_PORTS_MAC_HI_REG (see below for details)
  2. Write 0xccddeeff into SWITCH_OP_LUT_MAC_LO_REG

To read an entry from the MAC table at index 4: