You are here: Home / Past Courses / Fall 2018 - ECPE 170 / Labs / stub.asm

Assembly Source Code icon stub.asm — Assembly Source Code, 1 KB

File contents

# A Stub to develop assembly code using QtSPIM

	# Declare main as a global function
	.globl main 

	# All program code is placed after the
	# .text assembler directive

# The label 'main' represents the starting point
	# Exit the program by means of a syscall.
	# There are many syscalls - pick the desired one
	# by placing its code in $v0. The code for exit is "10"

	li $v0, 10 # Sets $v0 to "10" to select exit syscall
	syscall # Exit

	# All memory structures are placed after the
	# .data assembler directive

	# The .word assembler directive reserves space
	# in memory for a single 4-byte word (or multiple 4-byte words)
	# and assigns that memory location an initial value
	# (or a comma separated list of initial values)
	#For example:
	#value:	.word 12