Assembly Source Code,
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File contents
# Simple input/output in MIIPS assembly # From: http://labs.cs.upt.ro/labs/so2/html/resources/nachos-doc/mipsf.html # Start .text segment (program code) .text .globl main main: # Print string msg1 li $v0,4 # print_string syscall code = 4 la $a0, msg1 # load the address of msg syscall # Get input A from user and save li $v0,5 # read_int syscall code = 5 syscall move $t0,$v0 # syscall results returned in $v0 # Print string msg2 li $v0,4 # print_string syscall code = 4 la $a0, msg2 # load the address of msg2 syscall # Get input B from user and save li $v0,5 # read_int syscall code = 5 syscall move $t1,$v0 # syscall results returned in $v0 # Math! add $t0, $t0, $t1 # A = A + B # Print string msg3 li $v0, 4 la $a0, msg3 syscall # Print sum li $v0,1 # print_int syscall code = 1 move $a0, $t0 # int to print must be loaded into $a0 syscall # Print \n li $v0,4 # print_string syscall code = 4 la $a0, newline syscall li $v0,10 # exit syscall # Start .data segment (data!) .data msg1: .asciiz "Enter A: " msg2: .asciiz "Enter B: " msg3: .asciiz "A + B = " newline: .asciiz "\n"