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You are here: Home / Past Courses / Spring 2012 - ECPE 293A / Paper Presentations / Guidelines for Presenter

Guidelines for Presenter

Each student will lead 2 discussions on research papers on Cloud Computing (or related) topics during the course of the semester. To successfully lead a discussion, in advance of the class you should:

  • Pick 1 paper as described on the Selecting a Paper page, and email me for approval two weeks in advance of your scheduled day.
  • Read the entire paper at least twice to ensure you are very familiar with its content
  • Prepare a 20 minute PowerPoint presentation that gives an overview of the paper to your classmates. Your presentation should cover the following areas:
    • Big picture: What is the ultimate goal of this research?
    • Problem Description: What problems are the authors solving?
    • Technical Content and Results
    • Conclusions and Related Work: Relate the results to the big picture, and compare to other approaches
    • Note: Some authors have helpfully placed their original presentations (at the conference) online.  Be warned, however - you cannot use them for this class! Feel free to look at it for inspiration, and feel free to incorporate original figures from the paper into your slides, but do not copy the original presentation and present it as your own.


You will give your presentation and then the rest of the class period will be used for discussion and questions.  Sometimes this discussion may turn critical.  If no one else is defending the work, you should make an attempt to do based on your detailed understanding of the paper.  As such, your role as the presenter and discussion leader should be to "defend the work", as if your name was on the paper itself!

Presentation Grading

Your grade for each presentation will be based on both its technical merits (50%) and communication effectiveness (50%). Review the grading rubrics below to ensure that you are familier with how the grade will be assigned.