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You are here: Home / Past Courses / Fall 2012 - ECPE 177 / Homework



All homework assignments should be completed individually and not as a group. You can discuss problems and potential solutions with other students, but you cannot share completed programs or significant pieces of completed code. See the honor code in the syllabus for more details.

Submission information: All homework assignments are due at the start of class on the due date.  You must turn them in electronically via the companion Sakai website. Simply upload a document in PDF format, or type your solution directly into the Assignment submission box.


Homework 1 - Application Layer (HTTP, DNS, IMAP)

Assigned: Thursday, Sept 6th
Due: Thursday, Sept 13th at the start of class

Details: Homework Description


Homework 2 - Transport Layer (TCP and UDP)

Assigned: Tuesday, Sept 18th
Due: Tuesday, Sept 25th at the start of class

Details: Homework Description


Homework 3 - C Programming on Linux

Assigned: Tuesday, Sept 25th
Due: Tuesday, Oct 2nd at the start of class

Details: Homework Description


Homework 4 - Network Layer (IP, ARP, ICMP)

Assigned: Thursday, Oct 25th
Due: Thursday, Nov 1st at the start of class

Details: Homework Description


Homework 5 - Router Protocols (Link State, Distance Vector) and Traceroute

Assigned: Thursday, Nov 1st
Due: Tuesday, Nov 13th at the start of class

Details: Homework Description

Homework 6 - Security and Privacy In-class Presentations

Assigned: Tuesday, November 13th
Topic Approval Deadline: Email received by Tuesday, November 20th by start of class
Presentation Slides Deadline: Uploaded to Sakai site by midnight on Monday, November 26th
(Slides will be assembled by instructor into a single presentation)
Presentation!:  Tuesday, November 27th and Thursday, November 29th
(Presentation order will be determined by instructor)

Details: Homework DescriptionGrading Rubric - TechnicalGrading Rubric - Communication